Thursday, 21 November 2019

Greta Thunberg's Speech

The following speech was given at an assembly by a 16-year-old girl named Greta Thunberg who, despite her age, represented the entire young population and defends with her ideals the need to save endangered ecosystems.

Greta said her message was that they would be watching them. She pointed out that was all wrong. She added she shouldn’t be up there and that she should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet they all came to them, young people, for hope. She asked them how they dared!

She said they had stolen her dreams and her childhood with their empty words and that yet she was one of the lucky ones. She added people were suffering and dying and that entire ecosystems were collapsing. She pointed out they were in the beginning of a mass extinction and all they could talk about was money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. She asked them how they dared!

Greta said that for more than 30 years, the science had been crystal clear. She asked how they dared continue to look away and come there saying that they were doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed were still nowhere in sight.

She added they said they heard them and that they understood the urgency, but no matter how sad and angry she was, she did not want to believe that. Because if they really had understood the situation and still had kept on failing to act, then they would be evil and that she refused to believe.

Greta exclaimed they were failing them but that the young people were starting to understand their betrayal. She added the eyes of all future generations were upon them and if they chose to fail them, they would never forgive them.

She warned they would not let them get away with that and that right there, in that moment, was where they drew the line. She pointed out the world was waking up and that change was coming, whether they liked it or not.

To finish, she thanked everyone.


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